No Rules No Shame

September 7, 2009

Ida Applebroog

Filed under: Collage, Favorite Artists, Love[r]ly, Painting, The Uncanny — norulesnoshame @ 23:48

I can’t believe I didn’t think to mention Ida Applebroog on the blog until now. When I was a young, impressionable art school student, her distorted, grotesque, sometimes downright terrifying work helped make me feel like I wasn’t alone, or the only one making work that wasn’t cute, and didn’t have any deer in it. (Okay, I did paint a deer once, but it was from a photo of a hunter sitting on her dead deer prey, and it was not cute… just awesome). She’s a strange bird, Ida, but I get her.

ps. Now that I think about it, I drew tons of deer. How did I forget? They were part of my “big prize” series, where I would find tons of photos of hunters online with their catch/game. They kind of looked like lovers. Still not cute, though. I’m going to swear by that forever.


Monsieur Cabinet

Filed under: Beard, Hurrah funny art, Painting, Writing — norulesnoshame @ 10:00

Illustrations from Leeds, West Yorkshire. Sounds exotic (I bet they even have a Carphone Warehouse!*).


*If anyone is a fan of Ricky Gervais’ Extras, there is a running joke about the Carphone Warehouse. When I was in London, every time I saw one (and trust me, I saw plenty), I would laugh and laugh and laugh and take pictures. It became awkward after a while, as they are literally on every corner of the city. How many carphones can a city need?

Matthew Feyld

Filed under: Painting — norulesnoshame @ 01:48

Yes, this stuff looks like tons of other stuff online, even things I’ve already shown, but that doesn’t mean I can’t laugh aloud when I see some of these half naked guys holding bear heads.


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